
torsdag 13. november 2014

Sketch Saturday DT Call 2014

Sketch Saturday has DT Call for 2014,
so exciting!
I always enjoyed the sketches of Sketch Saturday,
and now I have chance to join the team! Wee! :)
My name is Maria and I am from Norway.
I am not in any other Design team right now, but I've participated in team
for Thursday Alchemy before.
I always liked the sketches of Sketch Saturday
and admired the creations of team participants.
It would be an honor to join the team!

My favorite style is  probably vintage, but I'm the one who likes to try everything. :)
I love to try new techniques and experimenting.
Here are some of my creations.


I hope you enjoy it!

2 kommentarer:

Hvis du skal legge igjen en link, så er det veldig stor hjelp for meg hvis du legger igjen en link ved å bruke denne oppskriften:

<+a href="http://blacklississcrapp.blogspot.com/">her kan du legge inn tekst<+/a+>

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