Enda en tirsdag og enda en utfordring i Tuesday Alchemy! Men ikke bare det, det er også Blogg hopp! Jippi! Reglene er enkle: legg en kommentar i bloggene til alle DT piker på lista og bli med i trekningen av en flott premie! En av DT piker blir valgt til å trekke en tilfeldig vinner.
Another Tuesday and another challenge in Tuesday Alchemy! But not only that, it is also the blog hop! Hurray! The rules are simple: add a comment to the blogs of all the DT girls in the list and you could win a great prize! One of the DT girls are chosen to draw a random winner.
Vi lot oss inspirere av denne fotoen.
We were inspired by this photo.

Vi lot oss inspirere av denne fotoen.
We were inspired by this photo.

Her er lista du skal følge:
Here is the list you should follow
Maria - You Are Here
Corrinne Your Next Stop
Deltar du også i utfordringen, har du sjanse til å vinne to premier til! Så det er bare å henge seg på!
If you are also participating in the challenge, you have the chance to win more prizes! So use your creativity and join us!
Til Learn With Joy utfordringen har jeg laget en blyantholder, et bokmerke og navnmerker til skolebøkene.
To Learn With Joy challenge I made a pencil holder, a bookmark and name tags for school books.
Jeg har brukt digistempel fra denne ukens sponsor CraftyCat95 Skolebamsene er bare så herlige!
I have used digi stamp from this week's sponsor CraftyCat95
Schools bear is just so lovely!
For blyantholderen har jeg dekorert tom teboks
For pencil holder I decorated empty teboks
Ha en flott og kreativ uke! Gleder meg til å se mange bidrag til ukens utfordring!
Have a wonderful and creative week! Looking forward to see many contributions to the week's challenge!
Jeg deltar med dette på følgende utfordringer
I participate with this in the following challenges
Hi dearest creative friend,I'm back from holidays^_^
SvarSlettYour last creations and this are wonderful..as always:)
Beautiful blog hop:)Fingers crossed:)
Like the creative back to school projects.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
Great creation!! Love it!!
Thats a great ser!
SvarSlettA very nice pencilbox and the bookmark is a great idea
fab idea!
SvarSlettthanks for playing with us at paperplay this week
love all your back to school creations, very lucky children!
SvarSlettMany thanks for joining in the
♥Cute Card Thursday Challenge♥
this week! Debxx
Awesome! Thanks for playing at Paper Play this week
Maria, your little bear looks fabulous on your pencil holder and book marks. Love those name holders too! TFS! Hugz, ~ Rose
SvarSlettGreat projects!! Thank you for joining Robyn's Fetish Challenge! xx Lilia DT
SvarSlettbeautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!
I am in love with your bookmark design! You're so creative! :)
SvarSlettsoo much to look at!! I love everything you have made, That pencil pot is brilliant xxx
SvarSlettGreat choice of colors for your designs...very practical especially the bookmarks!
SvarSlettHope you get a chance to stop by and say HI so you can enter to win my FREE $$$ giveaway for my 1st year Blogaversary.
Creative Wishes,
Claire S.
Сколько всего тут красивого и нужного! =))
SvarSlettgreat projects-love the pencil bookmark-so creative