Hei alle kreative damer! Det er tirsdag og ny utfordring på Tuesday Alchemy.
Du kan velge mellom tre forskjellige ord, og la deg inspirere av dem.
Ordene er:
* Bee
Hi all creative ladies! It's Tuesday and new challenge on Tuesday Alchemy.
You can choose between three different words, and be inspired by them.
The words are:
* Bee
Vi har to flotte sponsorer denne uken
We have two fabulous sponsors this week.
Robyn's Fetish 5 digitale stempler/ 5 digital stamps
Birdie Brown 3 digitale stempler/ 3 digital stamps
Og her kan du se mitt bidrag til utfordringen.
And here you can see my contribution to the challenge.
Jeg valgte ordet Lunch og har dekorert en serviettbeholder.
Digitale stempel er fra Robyn's Fetish fargelagt med akvarellblyanter.
I chose the word Lunch and decorated a tissue box.
Digital stamps are from Robyn's Fetish colored with watercolor pencils.
Ha en kreativ uke!
Have a creative week!
Jeg deltar med dette på følgende utfordringer:
I participate with this in the following challenges:
Party Time Tuesdays - Anything Goes
Robin's Fetish - Anything But a Card
I participate with this in the following challenges:
Party Time Tuesdays - Anything Goes
Robin's Fetish - Anything But a Card